Our Love Story

Enjoy this deep dive into the last six years of Holly and Matthew's relationship. We will update this page as the story continues!

We both ended up surprising each other with tickets to this concert, but in the end only kept one set.... great minds think alike!
Panic! At The Disco - NJ

We both ended up surprising each other with tickets to this concert, but in the end only kept one set.... great minds think alike!

The Cute Couple - VA

Matthew surprised Holly in NJ for her 21st Birthday weekend! After a nice dinner, they went to meet a few friends and who made sure Holly was treated appropriately for her 21st!
Holly's 21st Birthday Weekend - NJ

Matthew surprised Holly in NJ for her 21st Birthday weekend! After a nice dinner, they went to meet a few friends and who made sure Holly was treated appropriately for her 21st!

Matthew's cousin's wedding!
Family Wedding - NY

Matthew's cousin's wedding!

We saw Billy Joel at MSG! We are hoping to go see him again soon.
Billy Joel - NY

We saw Billy Joel at MSG! We are hoping to go see him again soon.

Due to COVID, Holly couldn't have a traditional graduation party. Her parents decided to surprise her with a drive-by parade of friends and family honking and hooting! Unbeknownst to her, Matthew decided to also be a part of the surprise - even though he told her he'd be deep in videogames the whole day. Everyone was excited to congratulate Holly on her achievement! This is Matthew sending Holly off to work the next day as he left to go home, knowing that Holly was officially B.S.
Undergrad Graduation Party - NJ

Due to COVID, Holly couldn't have a traditional graduation party. Her parents decided to surprise her with a drive-by parade of friends and family honking and hooting! Unbeknownst to her, Matthew decided to also be a part of the surprise - even though he told her he'd be deep in videogames the whole day. Everyone was excited to congratulate Holly on her achievement! This is Matthew sending Holly off to work the next day as he left to go home, knowing that Holly was officially B.S.

We love Rita's! They have some of the best Italian Ice and Custard!
Rita's! - NJ

We love Rita's! They have some of the best Italian Ice and Custard!

During COVID there wasn't much we could do, but we were able to go walk underground and see some naturally formed caverns! Luray Caverns are the largest caverns in the Eastern United States, cool!
Luray Caverns - VA

During COVID there wasn't much we could do, but we were able to go walk underground and see some naturally formed caverns! Luray Caverns are the largest caverns in the Eastern United States, cool!

Matthew visited Holly while she was earning her Master's Degree (5th year program continued at UMass Amherst)! Holly took her classes online from her research lab due to COVID, but she persevered!
UMass Visit- MA

Matthew visited Holly while she was earning her Master's Degree (5th year program continued at UMass Amherst)! Holly took her classes online from her research lab due to COVID, but she persevered!

After this picture was taken, Matthew drove about 10 hours back down to VA. It was a crazy year being in a long distance relationship during COVID!
Visiting the Grad Student - MA

After this picture was taken, Matthew drove about 10 hours back down to VA. It was a crazy year being in a long distance relationship during COVID!

See didn't I tell you, you should have remembered these outfits? CLEARLY we think these are amazing Thanksgiving holiday outfits... Will there be another photo of us in this outfit? The world may never know.
Thanksgiving 2020 - MA

See didn't I tell you, you should have remembered these outfits? CLEARLY we think these are amazing Thanksgiving holiday outfits... Will there be another photo of us in this outfit? The world may never know.

Matthew officially asked Holly to move in with him after she graduated from her Master's in the coming semester! He created this heart shaped key puzzle for her to put together.
Move-In Puzzle - MA

Matthew officially asked Holly to move in with him after she graduated from her Master's in the coming semester! He created this heart shaped key puzzle for her to put together.

Matthew got to see just how much of a smartypants and nerd Holly is by visiting her research lab. Holly researched preimplantation genetics in mouse embryos, and this work led her to where she is today!
Research Lab - MA

Matthew got to see just how much of a smartypants and nerd Holly is by visiting her research lab. Holly researched preimplantation genetics in mouse embryos, and this work led her to where she is today!

Easter egg dying in Holly's apartment at UMass!
Easter 2021 - MA

Easter egg dying in Holly's apartment at UMass!

Holly is now an M.S! She finished her thesis within a couple months (a REALLY large research project in so little time), defended this project, and passed all her classes. As Chancellor Subbaswammy would say, "Go UMass!"
Holly's Master's Graduation - MA

Holly is now an M.S! She finished her thesis within a couple months (a REALLY large research project in so little time), defended this project, and passed all her classes. As Chancellor Subbaswammy would say, "Go UMass!"

Matthew came up to visit Holly for her Master's graduation. We went to Flayvors of Cook Farm to celebrate with some friends. Flayvors is a local cattle farm that specializes in ice cream! We also came here on many other occasions, one being National Ice Cream for Breakfast day. Flayvors would serve ice cream with a waffle, cinnamon bun, or brownie.
Ice Cream at Flayvors - MA

Matthew came up to visit Holly for her Master's graduation. We went to Flayvors of Cook Farm to celebrate with some friends. Flayvors is a local cattle farm that specializes in ice cream! We also came here on many other occasions, one being National Ice Cream for Breakfast day. Flayvors would serve ice cream with a waffle, cinnamon bun, or brownie.

Holly and Matthew hang out in Massachusetts after she finished her Master's degree. It was a relief for Holly to finally be done with schoolwork!
Finally Free - MA

Holly and Matthew hang out in Massachusetts after she finished her Master's degree. It was a relief for Holly to finally be done with schoolwork!

Strawberry picking at a local farm for Holly's birthday!
Strawberry Picking- NJ

Strawberry picking at a local farm for Holly's birthday!

Holly stealing some of Matthew's milkshake! It's okay because it was her birthday.
Princeton Square - NJ

Holly stealing some of Matthew's milkshake! It's okay because it was her birthday.

After finishing her Master's degree, Holly moved down to VA with Matthew to start her post-school life. Matthew went up to NJ to help pack, and then they drove down together! On this day, we decided to end our Snapchat streak of 1608 days, which was never broken from the time they first became friends!
Holly Moves In - NJ to VA

After finishing her Master's degree, Holly moved down to VA with Matthew to start her post-school life. Matthew went up to NJ to help pack, and then they drove down together! On this day, we decided to end our Snapchat streak of 1608 days, which was never broken from the time they first became friends!

Holly and Matthew went into DC for the  4th of July Fireworks at the National Mall.
4th of July - DC

Holly and Matthew went into DC for the 4th of July Fireworks at the National Mall.

We were all waiting in line for a Smithsonian Museum!
Museum Line - DC

We were all waiting in line for a Smithsonian Museum!

Afternoon picnic with each other. Such a nice day outside!
Picnic - VA

Afternoon picnic with each other. Such a nice day outside!

Holly and Matthew experienced their first Maryland Renaissance Faire! Our friends allowed us to borrow some outfits, showed us around, and introduced us to a wonderful drink called a "Bee Sting," made from cider and mead.
Renn Faire 2021 - MD

Holly and Matthew experienced their first Maryland Renaissance Faire! Our friends allowed us to borrow some outfits, showed us around, and introduced us to a wonderful drink called a "Bee Sting," made from cider and mead.