YES! You can use #OneInABissaillon for any place hashtags are used.

Friday, September 13, 2024 at 17:00 (5 PM).

30 Rosemont Manor Ln, Berryville, VA 22611

As soon as you know! We are asking for RSVPs to be in 10 weeks prior to the wedding. This is Monday, July 1st, 2024.

Please wait until we send out the invitations at a later date. Once you receive your invitation, scan your unique QR code on the RSVP card or visit the RSVP page and follow the instructions on the screen. You will need the RSVP card as you fill out the prompts.

No need to worry, contact Holly or Matthew and one of us will help you out!

We are here to help! Please contact Holly or Matthew and one of us will be willing to answer your question, or put you in contact with the caterer directly to discuss any concerns.

The attire is cocktail formal, so don't worry, you won't need to break out everything for a white-tie affair! A suit and jacket or a cocktail dress will do just fine!

Yes! You will be able to park on site if you desire. If you park on site but cannot drive yourself back, the venue welcomes you to leave your vehicle overnight, with a pickup deadline of 10 AM the next day. Please be sure you drive to the barn on property, as the manor may have its own wedding in progress. If you get confused, there will be attendants on site that you can ask as you arrive.

Yes! See this page for more information.

There are two ways the Bissaillon family accepts.

The "Americanized" Way: say "Brazilian" without the 'r' - Ba-zil-yuhn. Bissaillon rhymes with a million and a billion, which leads to great fun when expressing fake numbers!

The "French" way: breaking it into syllables - Bee-Say-Yohn. Bissaillon rhymes with the French word for a butterfly... "un papillon."

Something to avoid: At no point are the letters "sail" pronounced like the boating sport.

Well, duh!

Yes! And Holly was quality control.