Our Love Story

Enjoy this deep dive into the last six years of Holly and Matthew's relationship. We will update this page as the story continues!

Maryland Renaissance Faire "Lover's Bridge!"
Renn Faire Bridge

Maryland Renaissance Faire "Lover's Bridge!"

All Smiles! - VA

Hanging out at Holly's college roommate's wedding! It was so fun seeing everyone again.
Friend's Wedding - MA

Hanging out at Holly's college roommate's wedding! It was so fun seeing everyone again.

We went to a local family-owned farm that is a staple to go to during the fall months!
Cox Farms - VA

We went to a local family-owned farm that is a staple to go to during the fall months!

We went to a local drive through light show with a friend! It was super fun and the first time we have done something like this together.
Drive Through Light Show - VA

We went to a local drive through light show with a friend! It was super fun and the first time we have done something like this together.

Holly and Matthew's first ever Thanksgiving by themselves! Though we didn't cook a full turkey for just the two of us, the meal went a lot better than we expected!
Thanksgiving 2021- VA

Holly and Matthew's first ever Thanksgiving by themselves! Though we didn't cook a full turkey for just the two of us, the meal went a lot better than we expected!

Holly and Matthew are preparing to travel for Christmas! This is when Matthew (secretly) asked Holly's parents for permission to marry her. Sneaky!
Christmas 2021- VA

Holly and Matthew are preparing to travel for Christmas! This is when Matthew (secretly) asked Holly's parents for permission to marry her. Sneaky!

This is the day we brought Winston home! The BEST decision ever!
Welcome Winston! - VA

This is the day we brought Winston home! The BEST decision ever!

We took a cute little family photo before Matthew went off to the Netherlands... where he secretly got Holly's engagement band!
Family Portrait - VA

We took a cute little family photo before Matthew went off to the Netherlands... where he secretly got Holly's engagement band!

Date Night - VA

Holly's first Mardi Gras! During the parades, she got pelted with beads and other goodies. We took full advantage of the drive-thru daiquiri shops. Matthew lived in Louisiana until he was 3 years old, so we met up and stayed with some of his old neighbors. They were so welcoming and SO MUCH fun!
Mardi Gras - LA

Holly's first Mardi Gras! During the parades, she got pelted with beads and other goodies. We took full advantage of the drive-thru daiquiri shops. Matthew lived in Louisiana until he was 3 years old, so we met up and stayed with some of his old neighbors. They were so welcoming and SO MUCH fun!

After Louisiana we made a pit-stop in Nashville! The Parthenon was awesome, along with the food and country music everywhere. It was so much fun spending the evening in a bar singing along to every single song with the crowd!
Parthenon- TN

After Louisiana we made a pit-stop in Nashville! The Parthenon was awesome, along with the food and country music everywhere. It was so much fun spending the evening in a bar singing along to every single song with the crowd!

Another Family Portrait - VA

Holly and her family/friends threw a surprise 60th birthday for her dad and 26th birthday for Matthew! It was Italy themed so she hired a private chef to cook traditional Italian meals such as spaghetti carbonara and Florentine steak, along with having a wine tasting portion of the night.  It was so yummy and actually very comparable to real meals we ate while in Italy this past spring (April 2023).
Surprise Birthday Party - NJ

Holly and her family/friends threw a surprise 60th birthday for her dad and 26th birthday for Matthew! It was Italy themed so she hired a private chef to cook traditional Italian meals such as spaghetti carbonara and Florentine steak, along with having a wine tasting portion of the night. It was so yummy and actually very comparable to real meals we ate while in Italy this past spring (April 2023).

AwesomeCon is similar to Comic Con, but for the eastern US states. For 2022, we dressed up as Marvel characters - Star Lord and Loki! The alligator beads Holly is wearing were caught at Mardi Gras. Winston was not a fan of Holly's Loki headband; he was very confused.
AwesomeCon 2022- DC

AwesomeCon is similar to Comic Con, but for the eastern US states. For 2022, we dressed up as Marvel characters - Star Lord and Loki! The alligator beads Holly is wearing were caught at Mardi Gras. Winston was not a fan of Holly's Loki headband; he was very confused.

We went to the Postal Museum and took some awesome pictures around DC!
Friends Visiting - DC

We went to the Postal Museum and took some awesome pictures around DC!

We saw this awesome sign in Old Town Alexandria one day!
I Love You Sign - VA

We saw this awesome sign in Old Town Alexandria one day!

We went on vacation to Myrtle Beach and met up with a friend for a mini golf night!
Mini Golfing - SC

We went on vacation to Myrtle Beach and met up with a friend for a mini golf night!

Having fun eating and dancing at Holly's cousin's wedding!
Family Wedding Part 2 - NJ

Having fun eating and dancing at Holly's cousin's wedding!

This year for Renn Faire, we ended up buying last minute tickets (and got the last ones for the day)! Because of this, it was a last minute decision to not get into full outfits.  It was supposed to be a little chilly but it ended up being the PERFECT weather. We of course had to get our "Bee Sting" drink again. Renn Faire 2023, we are ready for you!
Renn Faire 2022 - MD

This year for Renn Faire, we ended up buying last minute tickets (and got the last ones for the day)! Because of this, it was a last minute decision to not get into full outfits. It was supposed to be a little chilly but it ended up being the PERFECT weather. We of course had to get our "Bee Sting" drink again. Renn Faire 2023, we are ready for you!

In October 2022, we decided to head up to Massachusetts to visit some friends from college! It was a whirlwind and we stopped at so many places to see so many people. Although it was a lot of travel time, we enjoyed seeing everyone and getting to make more memories with our loved ones.
Trail Walking - MA

In October 2022, we decided to head up to Massachusetts to visit some friends from college! It was a whirlwind and we stopped at so many places to see so many people. Although it was a lot of travel time, we enjoyed seeing everyone and getting to make more memories with our loved ones.

Holly and Matthew traveled around New England trying to fit in as many visits with friends as possible. One friend was hosting a Halloween party! Both of our costumes together represent one of our favorite bands, guess who!
Halloween - MA

Holly and Matthew traveled around New England trying to fit in as many visits with friends as possible. One friend was hosting a Halloween party! Both of our costumes together represent one of our favorite bands, guess who!

During this October "Tour de New England", we visited Holly's old roommate in Salem and got to know the streets and Halloween craziness the local way!
Salem at Halloween Time - MA

During this October "Tour de New England", we visited Holly's old roommate in Salem and got to know the streets and Halloween craziness the local way!

Holly and Matthew dressed up as Winston for Halloween! What was Winston you may ask...a cutie!
Halloween - NJ

Holly and Matthew dressed up as Winston for Halloween! What was Winston you may ask...a cutie!